About Us

Welcome to Root96 Boutique!
My name is Veda and I have always dreamed of owning my own boutique that makes people feel beautiful, comfortable, and powerful in their clothes. At Root96, you'll find all the basics as well as unique pieces that will help you stand out in a crowd. Our goal is to help you express yourself through your fashion choices!
In addition to running the boutique, I have two jobs and two dogs named Fin and Paris. I also travel and go to concerts as much as I possibly can!
This boutique is a passion of mine, and I'm thrilled to finally make it a reality. Naming the boutique was a challenge, but eventually settled on Root96. The "Root" represents our connections to the Quad Cities area, where I still live today. And "96" reflects the year I was born.
My goal for Root96 is to eventually have some home decor. We are also wanting to dip our toes into the men's and children's fashion wear scene. 
You are not just customers to us, you become friends! That is what owning Root96 is for me. Being ourselves and becoming friends through expressing our styles!
If you have any questions or just want to chat, please don't hesitate to contact us at root96boutique@gmail.com.